Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Green in 2010

So, as I am working on being greener everyday (in my intake and output), I have big plans for the garden this year! Being new to North Carolina, I find that everyone here is very "house proud." Each garden, front porch and front door is changed with the season. When I visited last spring, every home has its own personality denoted by the type of seating and variety of hanging plants and/or wreaths adorning the facade. I am so excited to va-voom my family's house. I just cannot wait for the spring!

The way I see it, gardening is free exercise, allows me to plant and eat healthier and is just good fun (plus flowers are purdy). So, to prepare, the first task has been accomplished: for three long hours, we cleared the backyard of all its weeds and the masses of leaves stuck to the wet grass, gave it a good mow and designated some areas for seating, planting, etc. Oh I'll have some great plans and pictures to share in the coming months. For now, I'll say mom and I are in search of a quaint bench for a shady spot, a new BBQ grill for the back porch, and just what vegetables and herbs we will be growing is TBD!

What do you think of this lovely Wisteria garden basket? Can't you just see it filled with tomatoes headed to the kitchen for a fresh, homemade sauce?

Well, not for $99, of course, but I will be sure to find its cheaper, but as lovely, cousin :)